How to measure core web vitals


Measuring Core Web Vitals involves assessing three key metrics that Google uses to evaluate user experience on web pages. These metrics are:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):
    • Measures: Loading performance. It assesses the time it takes for the largest visible content element (like an image or block of text) to load on the screen.
    • Good Threshold: LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds from when the page starts loading.
  2. First Input Delay (FID):
    • Measures: Interactivity. It captures the delay between a user’s first interaction (like clicking a link or tapping a button) and the browser's response to that interaction.
    • Good Threshold: FID should be less than 100 milliseconds.
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS):
    • Measures: Visual stability. It tracks the amount of unexpected layout shifts of visible content on a web page, ensuring the content doesn’t shift around during loading.
    • Good Threshold: CLS should be less than 0.1.

Tools to Measure Core Web Vitals

  1. Google PageSpeed Insights:
    • Provides a detailed report of Core Web Vitals for both mobile and desktop versions of your site.
    • It also offers suggestions for improvements.
  2. Google Search Console:
    • The "Core Web Vitals" report in Search Console gives a site-wide overview of how your pages are performing against these metrics.
    • It categorizes URLs as “Good,” “Needs Improvement,” or “Poor” based on the Core Web Vitals.
  3. Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX):
    • Aggregates real-world user data from Chrome users to provide insights into how your pages perform in the wild.
    • Useful for understanding performance based on real user interactions.
  4. Lighthouse:
    • An open-source, automated tool used for auditing the performance, accessibility, and SEO of your web pages.
    • Integrated into Chrome DevTools and available as a CLI or Node module.
  5. Web Vitals Chrome Extension:
    • Provides real-time feedback on Core Web Vitals directly in your browser as you navigate the web.
  6. GTmetrix:
    • An online tool that provides insights into a page's load performance, including Core Web Vitals.

Steps to Measure Core Web Vitals

  1. Use Google PageSpeed Insights:
    • Enter your URL and run the analysis. The tool will display the LCP, FID, and CLS scores along with recommendations.
  2. Check Search Console:
    • If you have a verified website in Google Search Console, navigate to the “Core Web Vitals” report to see how different pages on your site are performing.
  3. Run a Lighthouse Audit:
    • Open your website in Chrome, right-click on the page, select “Inspect,” and then go to the “Lighthouse” tab. Click “Generate report” to get a comprehensive overview, including Core Web Vitals.
  4. Install Web Vitals Extension:
    • For real-time tracking, install the Web Vitals Chrome extension to monitor the vitals as you interact with your site.

By consistently measuring and optimizing these metrics, you can ensure a better user experience, which can positively impact your search engine rankings.



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